Articles by Séverine Degallaix

Career management

Is office politics central to a successful career?

Accountemps has published the results of a survey on office politics. It turns out that more than half of Canadians are involved in it in some way, and many think it is essential for getting ahead in their career…   Office politics play an important role in the workplace. At least this is the opinion […]

Jobs search

How to Explain Frequent Job Changes to an Employer?

Although employees are in favour of the practise of frequent job changes, employers, on the other hand, see it as an inability to be engaged and a risk of losing new arrivals too quickly. 57% of Canadian workers believe that changing jobs on a regular basis can be beneficial, especially in terms of salary. At […]


The Right Answers to 6 Main Interview Questions

Overall, recruiters who interview someone looking for a job ask more or less the same questions, regardless of the position to be filled. To properly prepare for your appointment with your potential employer, learn to answer these classic questions.  Tell me about yourself “My name is First name Last name. I worked for X years […]


Top 20 Good Professional Resolutions for 2020

The new year is fast approaching and it’s time to start thinking about your good resolutions for 2020. From a personal point of view, losing weight and quitting smoking are classics… But what about your 2020 professional goals? Here are 20 ideas to study. No worries: you don’t have to do everything, but setting two […]

Jobs search

Job Search: How to Get Remotivated After the Summer Holidays

So you have taken a bit of a summer break in your job search, and that’s great – it’s important to recharge your batteries. But now you are having a hard time getting back into it… Here are some tips to get back into the game. Take stock If you have let go of your […]

Company life

Do You Know How to Unplug Yourself?

Evenings, weekends, holidays: you can’t help avoid taking a peek at your work inbox to deal with details and emergencies or leave your phone turned on in case someone needs you. At a time when more and more countries are putting laws in place that favour the right to disconnect, learn about the best reflexes to completely cut […]

Company life

How to Respond to Harassment at Work

Sexual, psychological or discriminatory harassment: these situations are found more often that you might think in Canadian workplaces. 19% of women and 13% of men have been victims at least once in their careers. Learn how to recognize it to know how to react accordingly. Is it harassment? To know how to respond, the first […]

Jobs search

How to React to a Dismissal

A slowing economy, lower profits than hoped for, a collaboration that doesn’t go as expected… There are many reasons why someone might be let go, but whatever they are they don’t make the situation any easier. Find out how to react and bounce back after this fateful moment when your manager tells you that the […]

Pay and benefits

How to Negotiate Your Salary During Hiring?

How to negotiate salary is a game well known by both candidates and employers – the former want to earn more, the latter want to pay less! Often, as a candidate, you do not feel in a position of strength in this discussion, yet with good preparation and a reasonable attitude, you can nibble a […]

Company life

6 Tips to Get Back to Work Efficiently!

Vacations are over. Do you find yourself back behind your desk but unable to dive into your work without thinking nostalgically about the relaxation of the last few weeks? 6 tips to get back to work efficiently! 1. Sort your messages You have probably received hundreds of emails while you were away, but how many […]

Company life

5 Steps for Spring Cleaning at the Office

It’s not just at home that spring is a good time for organizing and housekeeping – at the office as well you can take advantage of these first rays of sunshine to put some order into your files and thereby gain efficiency. 5 steps to face April looking good. 1. Organize your workspace Some people […]

Jobs search

Have you Thought About Thanking the Recruiter?

The hiring interview is over, you move on hoping to have news one day… That’s the attitude most candidates adopt, but did you know there’s another option? Thanking the recruiter, send a message to thank him or her for the attention they gave to you and to take the opportunity to multiply your chances of […] network